Tuesday, March 31, 2009

gallatin review rejects.

these two images, along with the one a few posts down of the antique store in fort ann, new york, got REJECTED from my school's "review". think what you want:

from a double-exposure project i did freshman year. 2006

raver kids in welland, ontario. 2007

Monday, March 30, 2009

election photos

election night crowd, williamsburg, brooklyn. 2008

early night election results, east village, manhattan. 2008

times square bleachers, times square, manhattan. 2008

obama 08. times square, manhattan. 2008

election celebration on the lower east side, manhattan. 2008

i never posted these anywhere but facebook, but i took a lot of photos election night and these were some of my favorites.

"la jabega" through playground chains : malaga, spain. 2007

beach shack : malaga, spain. 2007
they asked me what i wanted to see
i said the California coastline
something to make mine.
the way the summer seems
in a place you've never been.

there were people in the way
of letting me have my say.
my mattress on the bare floor
i can't sleep anymore
lying down underneath the weight.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

we all fall like snowflakes in the sky, tonight

geoff rickly of thursday @ the taste of chaos tour, nyc. 2009

the rest of the pictures from the show, including sets from Thursday, Four Year Strong & Bring Me The Horizon can be found under the PHOTOS section of InklingsTV.

alone on the sea.

funny jack antonoff (of steel train). bowery ballroom, nyc. 2008

Friday, March 27, 2009

firework smoke : lake george, ny. 2008

fireworks on the water: lake george, ny 2008

la ragazza dice sempre "io conosco la lingua dei fantasmi, ma no lavoro per il diavolo"

Thursday, March 26, 2009

more work from the past several months

an antique store: fort ann, ny. 2008

rocks at the long island sound: wading river, ny. 2008

snippet about heavy steps & fog

I felt that everything around me was roaming aimlessly with heavy steps. The pounding grew, the fog thickened, and I didn't care I couldn't see, I just went.

gallatin arts festival show coming up

"andiatarocte (dharma bums)", 2009

"wool", 2008

tuesday march 31st @ 7pm
i will be showing the first round of collages from my "reconstructuring the fractured body" series at New York University's Gallatin Arts Festival. the building is located at 715 broadway in manhattan. there will be other artists' work there, but there will be signs & guides telling people where everything is. these are some images of the collages to give you a preview. i hope you can make it out. i'm planning on giving a gallery tour of my work at some point as well, check in with me after friday if you'd like to know when.

packing for nyu. queensbury, ny. 2005

you start to realize time isn't the same all the time.
you start to realize your time isn't the same all times.
and no matter how much i mock this place i still hear wind chimes.

we got to the point in the road where we could brake,
or gas. i doused myself in it and lit a match. i turned around cause,
one minute i was on fire, the next i was twenty-two and tired.

that summer was unreal. i fell asleep on the beach and woke up
on concrete. the shady swing onto a busy street. we told the lies
that nobody else would touch. you touched my shoulder but it never
really meant all that much.